Teenager Bedroom Cleaning Checklist

Teenager Bedroom Cleaning Checklist

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I was lying in bed last night trying to go to sleep, but instead I was thinking about the week ahead. My kids are home for another week of break (yay!) and I was thinking about what I want to do with them. They got frozen yogurt gift cards in their stockings and I want to take them out to use those, our dog's vaccinations will be complete so we can take her to a dog park, I want to try a new pancake recipe my friend just shared with me … and because I'm "that" mom, I thought how I'd like everyone to give their rooms a nice deep clean before they go back to school and before the Declutter Challenge Starts.

Then, it occurred to me, I'm probably not the only one who wants that to happen! One of my teens usually needs a little extra help and coaching on cleaning her room. I usually remind her what it means to "clean her room" – make the bed, tidy, dust, vacuum, and change the garbage. For another of my kids, I can just say "clean your room" and she intuitively keeps it very clean. Still, because of her personality, she will LOVE the checklist! All kids are different, but I decided to make a printable I could share with you instead of jotting notes on a piece of paper for my one teen like I usually do. (And yes, I got out of bed to get my computer so I could start working on the printable instead of going to bed right away. Oops!)

Download the PDF of the Room Cleaning Checklist

(Checklists for other rooms are in the Spring Cleaning Printable Pack.)

Disclaimer: I'm not a crazy lady who thinks I can hand this list to my 5 year old and expect his room to be cleaned. I'm still working with him one-on-one and step-by-step, because he is still learning how to clean. A messy room can be so overwhelming for a child. But my tween and teens know how to clean because they have years of experience! Please don't use this checklist as a way to shame your kids about their room – use it to give them hope and a plan that they can have a clean room. Help them if they need help!

More Resources for Your Kids

Please read these posts about dealing with your kids and messy rooms!!!

  • Stop telling your child to clean their room if …
  • Guiding Children to Declutter
  • All About Kids Chores (<—- this has a link to lots more!)

I hope this printable is as helpful to you as it will be for me this week. Here's to a week of some fun and some work. What will my kids reward for a clean room be? A clean room! Ha! That is more funny if you know I used to bribe my kids when they were younger. 😉

Reader Interactions

Teenager Bedroom Cleaning Checklist

Source: https://creatingmaryshome.com/room-cleaning-checklist-for-tweens-teens/

Teenager Bedroom Cleaning Checklist Teenager Bedroom Cleaning Checklist Reviewed by letavasquez on Desember 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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